Download the Telegraf client from , extract the telegraf directory to a sensible place and edit telegraf.conf.

  ## Log at debug level.
- debug = false
+ debug = false
  ## Log only error level messages.
- # quiet = false
+  quiet = true

Add urls = ["http://Your_Influx_Server:8086"] in the [[outputs.influxdb]] section.

Now to install the service, convieniently Telegraf can handle this! Open Powershell, navigate to the Telegraf directory and run .\telegraf.exe --server install --config "C:\Full_Path_To_Telegraf\telegraf.conf". The service can be enabled in the Services app.

InfluxDB works out of the box, just install it. It should be run on a non-Windows host, any hardware will do, preferably with fast storage so bulk reads are quick, relevant soon.

Use the influx client to connect locally to InfluxDB and run CREATE DATABASE ohm;.

Download OhmGraphite, Ohm standing for Open Hardware Monitor, from OhmGraphite , extract to a similar location as telegraf.

Edit OhmGraphite.exe.config, replace the contents of <appSettings></appSettings> according to the OhmGraphite ReadMe to include:

    <add key="type" value="influxdb" />
    <add key="interval" value="10" />
    <add key="influx_address" value="http://Your_Influx_Server:8086" />
    <add key="influx_db" value="ohm" />
<!--<add key="influx_user" value="myuser" />
    <add key="influx_password" value="mypassword" />-->

Run OhmGraphite.exe normally to confirm it works, ^C to stop. Finally run .\OhmGraphite.exe install to install the service, start it using the Services app.

If you had any trouble following these instructions, be sure to check the project page .

You can visualise this data using the Grafana dashboard provided by the project !